Monday, August 29, 2016

The Selphs at the Baptist Female College

© Kathy Duncan, 2016

In 1871, this account of the commencement at the Baptist Female College in Lexington, Missouri appeared in the local newspaper. Of note is the description of Lily E. (Burton) Selph’s role at the school, the piano playing of the Selph daughters, and a description of the girls’ exams and the school grounds. 

Baptist Female College

   The stranger, who saunters admiringly, along South Street, the Fifth Avenue of Lexington, can’t fail to notice, just opposite to where the Southern Methodist Church rears its tall and graceful spire heavenward, a spacious and stately edifice reposing, in calm and placid dignity, and embowering trees and vines. In front and around it, cedars and pines, apple, peach and cherry trees, wave their leafy arms, and the rose and lilac swing their perfumed censers. With its substantial, stone-colored walls and dark-green blinds, the building looks like a noble mansion of the “olden time;” but a neat new chapel, at the western side, proclaims it a public institution. That is the Baptist College; and it is worthy of the large and increasing patronage it receives; worthy of the good old city, in which it stands; and worthy of the numerous, wealthy and intelligent denomination, to which it belongs. In spite of some drawbacks, with which it has had to contend, during the session just past, a reference to its admirably gotten up catalogue, shows an enrollment of a hundred and two students—a larger number than either of its competitors. Its board of trustees comprises many of our most prominent citizens.
   Its Faculty consists of Rev. Duncan H. Selph, D.D., formerly President of the famous Seminary at Danville Kentucky, and more recently of the almost equally celebrated institution, at Murfreesboro, Tennessee; President and Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy. –
   Mrs. L.E. Selph, a veritable mother to all her girls, watchful, careful and sympathizing to all her girls, watchful, careful and sympathizing; Matron and Assistant Principal.
    …the examination which we witnessed, last week of their classes in grammar, logic, rhetoric and physiology, would alone have been sufficient to wreath them with well-earned laurels. The little ladies showed a readiness and accuracy, a familiarity with the philosophy as well as the facts of literature and science, that was positively amazing. The classes in mathematics were pronounced by Prof. C.O. smith, of this place, who witnessed their examination, the most astonishingly proficient, quick and thorough, he ever saw. He declares that young girls of fourteen or fifteen years triumphantly passed an ordeal, which would have been severe for the masculine graduates of our most noted colleges.
   The Musical Department is intrusted [sic] to the skill and care of Miss Sade Summers. The performance of many of her pupils is admirable evidence of her fitness for the position. Misses Fannie, Alice and Susie Wadell, Miss Susie Chapman, Miss Belle Graves, and the little Misses Selph, are worthy of especial mention several of these little ladies bid fair to become brilliant pianists.
    …The examinations and exhibitions, last week were attended throughout, by crowds of our best citizens and many stranger [sic]. The chapel was far too small to accommodate the throng on Commencement evening. And praises of the school, its management, teachers and pupils have been on many tongues. We understand that everything seems fair for a larger commencement than ever, next session. The Baptists of Western and Southwestern Missouri certainly can find no better place to send their daughters.
[Source: The Weekly Caucasion; Lexington, Lafayette County, Missouri; 24 June 1871]

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

John P. Tener and brother Fred Tener

© Kathy Duncan, 2016

What if those of us who also collect antique photographs, did a little research and added those pictures to websites where they can be found and enjoyed by descendants of those families? The photographs in this web post will be added to findagrave memorials and FamilySearch.

I purchased these two photographs over thirty years ago. Unfortunately, I do not remember where. It was likely New Mexico, Texas, or Kansas. They were both in the same shop or booth, and I purchased them because the John P. Tener photograph had a wealth of information on the back and because they were obviously both from the same family. My guess was that the men were brothers. Evidently, the photographs passed down through John P. Tener's family until someone disposed of them.

This photograph is the larger of the two and has detailed information on the back. The photographer's stamp across the bottom reads: The Lees Traveling.


Mrs.                                                      Mr.                                                                        
Elizabeth                                              John P. Tener
Ann Tener                                            was born April
was born                                               the 4th 1816
February the 18th                                 and picture was
1825 and                                               taken October
picture was                                            the 11th 1896                                            
taken October                                       and died March
the 11th 1896                                        the 24th 1898

A search of findagrave revealed that John Philip Tener and Elizabeth A. (Powelson) Tener are buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery in Cedar County, Missouri. The birth and death dates on John Philip Tener's tombstone match the inscription on the back of his photograph.

Elizabeth Ann Powelson was first married to John A. Cain on 22 Oct 1841 in Washington County, Iowa. 
[Source:  "Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934", database, FamilySearach ( 8 March 2016), John A. Cain and Elizabeath Ann Powelson, 1841.] 

John Tener married Elizabeth Ann Cain on 11 Nov 1848 in Washington County, Iowa.
[Source: "Iowa, County Marriages, 1838-1934", database, FamilySearach ( 8 March 2016), John Tener and Elizabaeth An Cain, 1848.] 

John Philip Tener and Elizabeth Ann Powelson in U.S. census records:

August 1850, Division 20, Washington County, Iowa:

John P. Tenner 34 M Farmer $1,000 b. Maryl
Elizabeth 28 F b. ?
Elizabeth 58 b. Mary
Polk 11 M b. Ill
Susanah 7 F b. Iowa
John A. 4 M b. Iowa
Lauan L 1 F b. Iowa

Later census records reveal that Susanah and John were Cains not Teners.

28 June 1860, Sharon, Johnson County, Iowa:

John P. Tener 40 M Farmer b. Ohio
Betsy " 38 F b. Ohio
Susan Kaine 17 F b. Ohio
John A. Kaine 14 M b. Ohio
Levina Tener 8 F b. Iowa
Cordelia " 6 F b. Iowa
Letta " 4 F b. Iowa
Amenta " 2 F b. Iowa
Albert " 1 M b. Iowa
Emma " 7 F. b. Iowa

16 July 1870, Montevallo twp, Vernon County, Missouri:

Tener, John 54 M W Farmer $3,900-$450 b. MD, father of foreign birth
----Elizabeth 45 F W Keeping house b. VA
----Lavinia 20 F W b. Iowa
----Delia U 18 F W b. Iowa
----Lettie 16 F W b. Iowa
----Emaline 14 F b. Iowa
----Ariminta 13 F W b. Iowa
----Albert 10 M W b. Iowa
----Milton 8 M W b. Iowa
----Mary 5 F W b. Iowa
Cain, John 24 M W Farm hand b. Iowa

18 June 1880, Montevallo, Vernon County, Missouri:

Tener, John W M 64 Farmer b. MD fb. Germany mb. Germany
----Elizabeth W F 55 wife Housekeeping b. VA fb. VA mb. VA
----Louvina W F 30 dau at home b. Iowa fb. MD mb. VA
----Cordalia W F 28 dau at home b. Iowa fb. MD mb. VA
----Lettie W F 26 dau at home b. Iowa fb. MD mb. VA
----Emiline W F 24 dau at home b. Iowa fb. MD mb. VA
----Albert W M 20 son at home b. Iowa fb. MD mb. VA
----Milton W M 18 son at home b. Iowa fb. MD mb. VA
----Mary W F 16 dau at home b. Iowa fb. MD mb. VA

Use this link to find a very interesting account of Elizabeth A. Powelson and her husband John Philip Tener:

The second photograph, featuring Uncle Fred and Mary Ann Tener, is the smaller of the two.

Brother Frederick Tener and wife Mary Ann (Younkin) Tener are buried  in Riverside Cemetery, Riverside, Washington County, Missouri. 

Frederick Tener married Mary Ann Younkin 17 March 1846 in Washington County, Iowa.
[Source: Dodd, Jordan R, et al. Early American Marriages: Iowa to 1850. Bountiful, UT, USA: Precision Indexing Publishers.]

Fred and Mary Ann Tener


Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary Ann Tener

Sperry [photographer], 120 South Clinton St., Iowa City, Iowa

Sperry's photography studio was active in at least 1881 and 1882 and running advertisements in the Vidette-Reporter of Iowa City, Iowa:

Frederick and Mary Ann (Younkin) Tener in the U.S. census:

26 Sept. 1850, Division 20, Washington County, Iowa:

Tener, John W M 64 Farmer b. MD b. Ger mb. Ger
---Elizabeth W F 55 wife Housekeeping b. VA fb. VA mb. VA
----Louvina W F 30 dau at home b. Iowa fb. MD mb. VA
----Cordalia W F 28 dau at home b. Iowa fb. MD mb. VA
----Lettie W F 26 dau at home b. Iowa fb. MD mb. VA
----Emiline W F 24 dau at home b. Iowa fb. MD mb. VA
----Albert W M 20 son at home b. Iowa fb. MD mb. VA
----Milton W M 18 son at home b. Iowa fb. MD mb. VA
----Mary W F 16 dau at home b. Iowa fb. MD mb. VA

1856 Iowa Twp., Washington Co., Iowa, p. 613:

Frederick Tener 43 M b. MD Farmer resident of state - 16 yrs
Mary A. Tener 32 F b. OH resident of state - 12 years
Elizabeth Tener 9 F b. Iowa
Catharine Tener 7 F b. Iowa
Caroline Tener 5 F b. Iowa
Wm. McKendre Tener 2 M b. Iowa

1860, Iowa Twp., Washington County, Iowa, P.O.: Yatton:

Frederick Teener 47 M b. MD
Mary A. Teener  35
Elizabeth Teener 13
Catherine Teener 11
William M. Teener 6
John E. Young 22
Hiram Tatman 21
[Notation: very light, very difficult to read copy of census]

20 Aug 1870 Iowa twp., Washington County, Iowa, p. 126:

Tener, Fred 57 M W Farmer $700-$400 b. MD
----Mary 46 F W K House b. OH
----Kate 20 M W Dom Labor b. Iowa
----Maggie 18 F W school b. Iowa
----Wm M 17 M W school b. Iowa
----Jane 9 F W school b. Iowa
----John 7 M W school b. Iowa

18 June 1880, Iowa twp., Washington County, Iowa, p. 45:

Tener, Fredrick W M 67 Farmer b. MD b. Ger mb. MD
----Mary A. W F 53 wife b. OH fb. VA mb. VA
----William M W M 24 son Farm laborer b. Iowa fb. MD mb. OH
----Hulda J. W F 19 dau b. Iowa fb. MD mb. OH
----John W. W M 16 son Farm laborer b. Iowa fb. MD mb. OH
Sims, Elizabeth W F 23 wife at home b. Iowas fb. MD Mb. OH
----Cora M W F 9 dau b. Iowa fb. OH mb. Iowa
----Nora K W F 7 dau b. Iowa fb. OH mb. Iowa
----William T W M 4 son b. Iowa fb. OH mb. Iowa

1895, Washington Co., Iowa:

Fredrick Tener 81 M b. Maryland Farmer Methodist
Mary " 68 M b. Ohio house Methodist
William " 41 S Washington [Co., Iowa?] Methodist
John  " 32 S b. Washington [Co., Iowa?] Methodist
Fossie Gringer 2? S b. Washington [Co., Iowa?] Catholic
Eugene Ennis 24 S b. Washington [Co., Iowa?] Catholic

12 June 1900, Iowa Twp., Washington Co., Iowa:

Tener, Mary A Head W F b. Nov 1823 76 W 8-6 b. OH fb. VA mb. W VA
----William W son W M b. Nov 1854 54 S b. Iowa fb. MD mb. OH
Tiner, John W son W M b. Aug 1864 35 S b. Iowa fb. MD mb. OH
Gringer, Tassie servant W F b. Aug 1877 22 S. b. Iowa fb. Ger mb. Ger

21 April 1910, Iowa twp., Washington Co., Iowa, p. 111:

Tener, Mary Ann head F W 84 Wd 7-6 b. OH fb. ? mb. VA
----William son W 56 S b. Iowa fb. MD mb. OH
----John W son M W 45 M-1 5 b. Iowa fb. MD mb. OH
----Bertha d-i-l F W 31 M-1 5 1-1 b. Iowa fb. OH mb. Iowa
----Helen L grchild F W 3 b. Iowa fb. Iowa mb. Iowa

1915, Washington County, Iowa: