Friday, March 13, 2020

The Old Home Place Update

©  Kathy Duncan, 2020

The old home place that belonged to my Chapman grandparents has suffered more damage. The dead tree at the corner of the old porch fell across the front of the house last year.

I had imagined that the house would be more damaged than this.

The house has withstood two tornados, a terrific ice storm in either 2000 or 2001 that brought down trees and tree limbs, and an arsonist's attempt to burn it down.

This daffodil is a descendant of the flowers my grandmother planted. They seem to have mutated over the years.

A view with fire damage, taken before the tree fell. Photograph courtesy of Judy (McPeak) Phelps.


  1. My Granpa’s mother was the sister of Tom Hansel. He told me the story about the murders when I was a teenager. He only told it to me once it was a very heart wrenching event for him to talk about. The account you site is very similar to my grandpa’s account. I know it made the newspapers at the time It was a big deal.

    1. I think you must have left another comment on the Old Home Place post. I approved it for publication, but for some reason it is not showing up. Not sure what went wrong. This story was told many times by my grandparents and my mother. Jack Pope was an evil man.


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