Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Sallie B. (Selph) McLean

© Kathy Duncan, 2015

Sallie B. SELPH -  daughter of  Duncan Hyder and Lavinia (Burton) Selph, was born on either 5 May 1856 or 1857 in Tennessee. Her death certificate lists her birth year as 1856 while the 1900 census lists her birth year as 1857.

Sallie G. Selph married J. M. McLean on 19 Mar 1878 in Henry County, Kentucky.

Sallie's mother and siblings were living in Henry Co., KY in 1880, so it seems reasonable that she married there just two years previously.

11 July 1900, Dist #14, Rutherford Co., TN:

Mclean, Joe M Head W M b.Oct 1830 69M 22 b. TN fb. NC mb. TN "Phisian"
-----Sallie S Wife W F May 1857 43 M 22 b. TN fb. fb. NC mb. TN
Manear, Marthe F Servant W F Jan 1841 54 Wd 3-2 b. TN fb. VA mb. TN
-----Susana Servant W F July 1886 13 S b. TN fb. TN mb. TN
-----John Servant W M Apr 1888 11 S b. TN fb. TN mb. TN
Burrow, Jesee P Boarder W M Sep 1877 22 M 2 b. TN fb. TN mb. TN

Joeseph Milton McLean died in 1906.

McLEAN - Dr. Joe M. McLean of Midland, Rutherford County, Tenn., was born near that place October 25, 1830, and after a long life of great usefulness he calmly and peacefully fell asleep in Jesus on November 12, 1906.

He grew up on the farm, but while yet a young man he prepared himself for the practice of medicine, which profession he followed up to within a few days of his death. He was a humane, conscientious physician, capable and ever ready to minister to the afflicted.

On the 14th of March, 1858, he was married to Mrs. Kiltrie McLean, widow of Major C.G. McLean, a leading merchant and planter of Midland. To this union were born two children, William Harvey McLean, of Memphis, who is a largely interested member of the Mansfield Wholesale Drug Co., of Memphis; and Mrs. Lena Evans, of Marshall County, Tenn. He was pardonably proud of his children.

Mrs. McLean had three children by Major McLean: C.G. McLean, a prosperous farmer and trader of Gallatin, Tenn.; Mrs. Florence Smith (now dead), of Rutherford County; and Mrs. Missie Hill, of Marshall County.

Dr. McLean exercised a fatherly care and evinced a tender solicitude for the welfare of these children, and so endeared himself to them that they  will ever cherish his memory.

Mrs. McLean was called home to God July 8, 1876, and on March 19, 1878, Dr McLean was married to Miss Sallie Self, a daughter of the late lamented Dr. D. H. Self, of Murfreesboro, who survives him.

Dr. McLean professed faith in Christ soon after the death of his first wife. He united with the Baptist Church at Fosterville, and was baptized October 14, 1906.

Dr. McLean was a loving, considerate husband, an indulgent and painstaking father, an incomparable neighbor, a stanch friend. He was given to hospitality of the old Southern type. He possessed a genial disposition, which made him exceedingly companionable. He will be greatly missed. 

Funeral services were conducted by the writer, assisted by Rev. Jack Holt and Rev. J. W. Jamison at the residence in Midland on Friday, November 29, 1906. His mortal remains were tenderly and lovingly buried in the cemetery in Murfreesboro, there to sleep until the glorious resurrection morn. May the choice benedictions of our Heavenly Father rest upon his  beloved wife, children, grand-children, step-mother, brothers and the hosts of other relatives and friends who loved him.

In the death of "Dr. Joe," as he was familiarly called, by us all, the writer sustains a personal loss. Our friendship began over thirty years ago and through all these years he was ever the same true friend.
"Friend after friend departs--
Who has not lost a friend?
There is no union here of hearts
That finds not here an end."
L.B. Jarmon

Joe McLean is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery in Murfreesboro, TN, near the brothers of Sallie B. Selph. His tombstone reads: “Dr. Joe McLean Oct. 25, 1830 - Nov. 12, 1906.” 

Joseph M. McLean b. 1826 d. 12 Nov 1906, Midland, TN, Allopath, license 1889.
[Source: Directory of Deceased American Physicians 1804-1929]

26 April 1910, Lawton City, Lawton Co., OK, p. 289:

614 H. St.
Mclean, Sally S Head F W 52 Wd 0-0 b. TN fb. NC mb. TN Teacher

Sallie's sister Bettie Vick Burton was also living in Lawton, Oklahoma at this time.

The following two announcements appeared in the Lexington Herald and may indicate that Sallie B. Selph spent the last few years of her life as a widow in LaGrange with her brother John W. Selph, although she was not a member of his household in 1920:

10 Sep 1922:
“After spending the summer with relatives in Nashville, Tenn., Mrs. S.S. McLain is again with her brother, J.W. Selph, and Mrs. Selph.”
24 Dec 1922:
“LaGrange: Mrs. S.S. McLain has gone to visit her nephew, Mr. Selph, of Nashville.”
[Source: Lexington Herald, Kentucky, 24 Dec 1922]

Included in the 1924 City Directory of Nashville is Ann Selph, widow of Hardy, and her grown sons: John W. and George C. One of these would be the nephew that Mrs. S.S. McLain had gone to visit in Nashville in 1922.
[Source: Lexington Herald, Kentucky, 10 Sept 22]

There is a photograph of “Mrs. McClain” a High School Home Economics teacher at La Grange High School c. 1923, in Oldham County, Kentucky. When compared to the other known picture of Sallie B. (Selph) McLean, they appear to be the same woman.

Sallie B. (Selph) McLean died in Nashville, Tennessee in 1925.

Death certificate:
Mrs. Sallie Selph McLain
b. 5 May 1856
father: D H Selph b. Tenn.
mother: Lavinia Burton b. Tenn
informant: Lillie D Harding of Nashville, Tenn.
d. 29 Aug 1925 - 1925 Broadway St., Nashville, Davidson Co., TN
buried 30 Aug 1925, body removed to Evergreen Cemetery, Murfreesboro Tenn.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Priscilla Dickinson "Dee" (Selph) Harding

© Kathy Duncan, 2015

Priscilla Dickinson “Dee” SELPH -  daughter of  Duncan Hyder and Lavinia (Burton) Selph, was born in December 1859 in Tennessee. She married John Harding. She died in 1921 in Murfreesboro, Rutherford Co., TN and is buried in Evergreen Cemetery there. After Dee's death John Harding lived with his daughters Sarah Dabb and Lillye Duncan Harding. He died 1 Nov 1943 in Gulfport, Mississippi and is buried in Evergreen Cemetery there.

Census Records for Priscilla (Selph) and John Harding:

25 June 1900, 7th Civil Dist., Rutherford Co., TN, p. 77:

207-210  Harding, John Head W M Dec 1853 46 M14 TN TN TN
---S. Dee Wife W F Dec. 1860 39 M14 2-2 TN TN TN
---Lillie Dau W F Oct 1897 12 S TN TN TN
---Sallie Dau W F Apr 1890 10 S TN TN TN

26 April 1910, 7th Civil Dist., Rutherford Co., TN, p. 8:

62-62 Harding, John Head M W 54 M23 TN TN TN
Dee Wife F W 49 M23 TN TN TN
Lillie Dau F W 22 S TN TN TN
Sara Dau F W 19 S TN TN TN

2-3 Feb 1920, 11th Dist., Rutherford Co., TN, p. 82:

264-278 Dabb, Asma D. Head M W 28 MS MS MS
Sahara Wife F W 30 TN TN KY
Asma D., Jr. Son M W 7/12 TN MS TN
Harding, John F-i-l M W 64 TN TN TN
Dee Selp M-i-l F W 60 KY MO KY
Lillye D. S-i-l F W 31 TN TN TN

2 April 1930, Gulfport City, Harrison Co., MS, p. 125:

2213 Kelly St.
Dobbs, Osma D. Head M W 39 M-27 b. MS fb.MS mb. MS
-----Sara Wife F W 39 M- 27 b. TN fb. KY mb. KY
-----Durant Son M W 10 S b. TN fb. MS mb. TN
-----Hardy M. Son M W 9 S b. TN fb. MS mb. TN
-----Lillie D. Dau F W 7 S b. TN fb. MS mb. TN
Harding, John Father M W 74 M-39 b. TN fb. TN mb. TN
-----Lillie Sister F W 41 S b. TN fb. TN mb. TN

11-12 April 1940, Beat 2, Gulfport Ward 1, Harrison County, MS:

1610 20th Ave.
Dabbs, Osmond D. Dabbs Head M W 49 M C-3 grade b. Miss res same place 1935
-----Sarah H. Wife F W 49 M C-3 grade b. TN res same place 1935
-----Osmond D. Son M W 20 S C-3 grade b. TN 1935-same place
-----Hardy Son M W 19 S grade C-2 b. TN 1935-same place
-----Dede Dau F W 17 S grade C-1 b. TN 1935-same place
Harding, John D F-i-l M W 86 Wd grade H-1 b. TN 1935-same place
-----Lillye D. s-i-l F W 51 S grade C-5 b. TN 1935-same place
Quimby, Sam lodger M W 47 S grade H-4 b. Ark 1935- ElDorado, Union Co., Ark

The lives of the Harding children and their parents play out in the Biloxi, Mississippi newspapers:

Murfreesboro. Miss Sara Selph Harding and Sergt. O. Durant Dobbs of Quitman, Miss. were married in Meridian, Miss., Tuesday evening, March 12.
[Source: Nashville Tennessean and the Nashville American (1910-1920); 24 Mar 1918]

Harding, Lillye Duncan (1) Senior, Gulf port Harrison
[Source: State Teachers College Bulletin Roll of Students, Session 1929-1930, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, July 1930]

Among those from the Coast who entered State Teachers College at Hattiesburg Monday was Miss Lillye Harding of Gulfport, who has taught in the Gulfport junior high school for several years and who will be in charge of the junior English in high school next session. Miss Harding is a specialist in the method of giving work known as the contract method and is further developing her proficiency in his line of work while completing her degree work.
[Source: Daily Herald; Biloxi, MS; Wed. 11 June 1930]

Miss Lillye Harding, who received her degree at the close of the summer session at State Teachers College, Hattiesburg, has returned home. She resides with her sister, Mrs. D.D. Dabbs of Broadmoor. Miss Harding is a member of the high school faculty of Gulfport High school.
[Source: Daily Herald; Biloxi, MS; Mon. 8 Sept. 1930]

Miss Lillye D. Harding, librarian at the Gulfport High School, l left this morning by motor for Nashville to enter Peabody College where she is working on her master's degree in library science and where she will attend the last term of the summer session. She has been teaching at the Gulfport summer school until last week. Her nephews, Hardy and Durant Dabbs. Jr., of Pratt Street, accompanied her to Lawrenceburg, Tenn., to spend two weeks with John Selph.
[Source: Daily Herald; Biloxi, MS; Wed. 25 July 1934]

A ten days' suspended sentence and the withdrawal for 60 days of their privilege of driving an automobile was the penalty imposed upon Hardy Dabbs and Luther Menger, Gulfport youths, who were before the court in connection with alleged driving of an automobile in the municipal park. The mayor advised the youths that the streets and roads were for traffic purposes but that the municipal playground where children assembled and played was not a thoroughfare. He told police officers to keep a close eye on the lads and see that neither of them drove an automobile for the next 60 days.

The 14 year-old Menger youth, driver of the automobile in which young Dabbs, also 14, was a passenger were said to have been spreading consternation among tennis players on the municipal court in the city park by driving his car towards groups of young girls who were at play on the court, but would suddenly apply the brakes and stop before striking any of them.

Menger was charged with reckless driving and Dabbs with malicious mischief both youths, officers said, had been warned several times against speeding and reckless driving of automobiles on the beach boulevard and Second Street.
[Source: Daily Herald; Biloxi, MS; Thurs. 18 July 1935]

Mr. and Mrs. O.D. Dabbs of Columbus, Miss Dede Dabbs, student at Mississippi State College for Women, Durant Dabbs, medical student at Tulane University, and Hardy Dabbs, student at Mississippi College, Clinton, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Miss Lillye D. Harding at her home on 20th avenue.
[Source: Daily Herald; Biloxi, MS; Sat. 27 Dec 1941]

Mrs. O.D. Dabbs returned to Alexandria, La, with Mr. Dabbs who was transferred there from Hattiesburg. Mr. Dabbs spent the Christmas holidays in Gulfport with his family. Hardy Dabbs has returned to Clinton to resume his studies at Mississippi College; Durant has returned to New Orleans where he is a medical student at Tulane University, and Miss DeDe has returned to Mississippi State College for Women.
[Source: Daily Herald; Biloxi, MS; Wed. 8 Jan 1941]

John Harding, 88, a native of Murfreesboro, Tenn., but a resident of Gulfport for 16 years died this morning at 3:45 o'clock at the home of his son-in-law and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. O.D. Dabbs and Miss Lillye D. Harding, 1620 20th avenue, with whom he made his home.
Mr. Harding was the husband of the late Pricilla Dickinson Selph Harding. Other than his daughters he is survived by three grandchildren, Durant Dabbs, New Orleans, medical corps; Durant Dabbs Jr., aviation cadet, and Miss Dede Dabbs, Gulfport. Of his five brothers and sisters, one brother and one sister survive.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock from Riemann's Chapel with Dr. Henry T. Brookshire officiating. Interment will be in Evergreen Cemetery.
[Source: Daily Herald; Biloxi, MS; Tues. 2 Nov 1943]

Miss DeDe Dabbs of Gulfport, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Durant Dabbs Sr., became the bride of Dr. James Louis Smith, son of Dr. and Mrs. Parks Metthews Smith of Magnolia, Ark, last Thursday evening at 6 o'clock in the First Baptist Church with Dr. Henry T. Brookshire, pastor, officiating in the double ring ceremony. The church was decorated in white and green, the alter, banked with palms and smilax, formed a background for white gladioli and ferns, and seven tiers of lighted white tapers in cathedral candelabra. A white wedding bell topped the center decoration. Preceding the ceremony, a program of nuptial music was rendered by Mrs. J. L. Head, organist Miss Lois Smith of Gulf Park College sang ... The groom was attended by his brother, A. O. Smith, as best man. The groomsmen were Hardy M. G. Dabbs, brother of the bride, recently honorably discharged from the Army AAF; Ensign Jack Breed, John Gardner, and Dr. Lynn Abernethy. The maid of honor was Miss Annie Louise Mounger of Columbia, Miss Mary Elizabeth Sweatt, bridesmaid, and Mrs. E. T. Riemann Jr. of Nashville, Tenn., was bridesmatron. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She was beautiful in a wedding gown of white satin with scalloped sweetheart neckline joining a marquisette yoke and cala pointed sleeves. Her full length three tiered veil of French illusion fell from a coronet of orange blossoms. Her only ornament was a string of pearls, a gift of the groom. She carried a white Bible topped with a white orchid from which hung streamers of white satin ribbon and butterfly gardenias. Following the ceremony there was a reception at the home of the bride's parents at 1610 avenue. Those receiving were Mr. and Mrs. Dabbs, Dr. and Mrs. Parks M. Smith, father and mother of the groom, and assisted by members of the bridal party. The wedding gifts were displayed in the living room. Mrs. J. Paul Gates kept the bride's book. Mrs. L. P. Sweatt, Mrs. Jack Faucette, Mrs. Nelson Jones, Mrs. Henry T. Brookshire, and Mrs. Hanun Gardner assisted the hostess in entertaining. The tea girls were Mrs. Jack Schlegel, Mrs. E. G. Wiggins, Mrs. Jack Breed, Miss Patsy Karst, and Mrs. Bob West. Following the reception, Dr. and Mrs. Smith left for a wedding trip to the Mississippi Delta and the Ozarks. Dr. and Mrs. Smith will be home after October 28 at 121 Normandy Road, Little Rock, where Dr. Smith will enter private practice. Mrs. Smith, a native of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, attended Gulfport schools and Gulf Park College, and is a graduate of Mississippi State College for Women. She was a member of the Delta Alpha Sigma Sorority at Gulf Park and a Lockheart at NSCW. She is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Dr. Smith is a member of the Phi Chi Medical Fraternity, American Legion, Veterans of World War II, MCAUS. He attended Arkansas A. and M. University of Arkansas Medical School, took post graduate work at Charity Hospital in New Orleans, where he served his internship, and at Tulane University Graduate School. After his honorable discharge from the Army Medical Corps he was made superintendent of the Angola General State Hospital, Angola, La., for over a year, leaving to take two years of training in opthalmology [sic] at the New Orleans Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Hospital. Out of town guests were Dr. and Mrs. P. M. Smith, Magnolia, Ark.; Mrs. and Mrs. A. O. Smith, Stamps, Ark.; Dr. and Mrs. Wily R. Buffington and Dr. and Mrs. Horace L. Buffington of New Orleans, and Mrs. I. R. Dozier, Fort Smith, Ark.; Mrs. E. T. Riemann Jr., Nashville; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mounger and Miss Annie Louise Mounger, Columbia; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dabbs of New Orleands; Mrs. F. Audley Smith of New Roads, La.; Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Aiken, Hammond, La.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Selph and Donald Selph, Mobile. 
[Source: Biloxi Daily Herald; Biloxi, MS; Mon. 29 Oct 1945]

Miss Annie Louise Mounger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mounger of Columbia, Miss., and Lieut Osmond Durant Dabbs Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. O.D. Dabbs, Gulfport, were married at the First Methodist Church in Columbia at six o'clock on February 21. Dr. J.B. Cain read the double ring ceremony. The alter of the chancery [sp?] was banked with ferns and southern smilax. Tiers of cathedral tapers and baskets of white gladioli lent beauty to the candlelight ceremony. The bride entered on the arm of her father and was lovely in a white satin fitted princess-effect wedding gown. Her long veil of illusion was held in place with sprays of orange blossoms. She carried an arm bouquet of white bridal roses and hyacinths. The bride was attended by Miss Suzanna Alford and Miss Annie Margarete Mathison as bridesmaids and Mrs. James L. Smith, sister of the groom, as matron of honor. Hardy Dabbs, brother of the groom, was his attendant, and Dr. James L. Smith of Little Rock., and John Gardner of Gulfport, were the groomsmen. An informal reception was held following the ceremony and the couple left for a wedding trip to Florida and thence to New York, after which Lieutenant Dabbs will report to Fort Dix, NJ. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Dabbs Sr., and John Gardner of Gulfport were among the out of town guests attending the wedding.
[Source: Biloxi Daily Herald; Biloxi, MS; Tues. 12 Mar 1946]

Hardy Murfree Gilford Dabbs passed away April 20, 2002, in Gulfport, MS. 
Mr. Dabbs was born in Murfreesboro, TN, December 18, 1920, to Mr. & Mrs. Osmond Durant Dabbs, Sr. In 1924 his family moved to Hattiesburg, MS, where they resided until 1927 when they moved to Gulfport. Hardy attended East Side Grammar School and graduated from Gulfport High School. He earned a B.S. Degree from Mississippi College in Clinton, MS; served in the Army Air Force as a pilot in World War II. After the war was over, he earned a degree in interior decorating from Parson's School of Design in New York City. He opened his shop, Hardy Dabbs Interiors, in Gulfport in 1948 and enjoyed a successful business until he retired several years ago. He was a member of First Baptist Church in Gulfport since 1927. 

Mr. Dabbs was preceded in death by his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Osmond Durant Dabbs, Sr.; his brother, Osmond Durant Dabbs, Jr., MD; and his nephew, Osmond Durant Dabbs III. Survivors include his sister, Dede Dabbs Smith and her husband, Dr. James Smith, of Little Rock, AR; his sister in law, Annie Louise Hollemon; his stepbrother, Wallace Majors and his wife, Nell, of Gulfport; seven nieces; a nephew; and many great-nieces and nephews. 

Visitation will be at Riemann Funeral Home, 25th Avenue in Gulfport, today, from 1:00 until the funeral at 2:00, to be conducted by Dr. Chuck Register. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery
[Source: The Sun Herald ~ 12 April 2002]


© Kathy Duncan, 2015

Frank B. SELPH - son of  Duncan Hyder and Lavinia (Burton) Selph,was born 1 February 1866 in Tennessee. He died on 9 Nov 1892 in Murfreesboro, Rutherford Co., TN.

In 1888 Frank Selph had been made guardian of his younger brother Iley N. Selph. Their uncle G.W. Burton of Louisville, KY had been Iley’s guardian since 1874. After Frank's death, Iley Nunn Selph sued his uncle's estate for his inheritance.

Frank B. Selph was involved in a shooting in 1889 that was reported in newspapers around the nation:

“Tragedy in a Law Office” Murfreesboro, Tenn., Dec. 9 - This morning in the law office of Leland Jordan, Mr. Frank B. Selph, a young attorney, shot and instantly killed Mr. Edwin F. Fletcher, one of the first young men of this place. The difficulty grew out of a recent article which appeared in the Free Press of last week. As near as can be learned Mr. Fletcher, accompanied by his step-brother, Mr. Morgan Perkins, went to the office of Selph this morning demanding an apology or retraction of the article. Selph, it appears was first badly hurt by a blow on the head which knocked him down, and while prostrated and being severly punished, he drew his pistol and fired. The ball struck Fletcher under his left jaw, coming out near the temple. Excitement is intense. All parties concerned are highly connected.
[Source: Dallas Morning News, 10 Dec 1889, p. 2]

Murfreesboro's Tragedy
Young Fletcher's Remains Buried in Evergreen Cemetery
Murfreesboro, Dec. 10 [Special]
All that remained mortal of Edwin E. Fletcher, the young man who was killed yesterday morning, was placed in the grave this afternoon at Evergreen Cemetery at 3:30 o'clock. His funeral was preached by Revs. J.B. West and E. A. Ramsey at the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, the church being crowded with friends and kindred long before the services began. The services were indeed appropriate and touching, there being hardly a dry eye in the vast congregation. The pall-bearers were W.T. Patey, W.C. Frost, J.W. Sparks, Jr., J.S. Baird, Frank Avent, D.F. Cex, R.L. Jetton and S.B. Davis. Tender and loving hands decorated the interior of the grave with ivy, and numerous flowers were placed on the grave, presented by devoted, true and grief-stricken friends.

This community has never before been so shocked by anything similar to the death of this young man. The severest criticisms are heard on all sides of the editor of the Free Press, the paper in which the articles appeared which led to the sad tragedy. Young Selph who did the killing, was in town today in his buggy, but was not seen by your representative. The sympathy of the entire people goes out to the families of both young men.

Mrs. D. P. Perkins, the mother of the dead man, is in a most critical condition, and has been so since the sad news was broken to her; his step-father, brothers and sisters are bowed with the deepest grief, and one of his step-brothers, Morgan Perkins, the young man who was with him when he was killed, is almost utterly dethroned of his reason. So great was the shock that he has been confined to his bed until this afternoon, when he attempted to go to the burial. Upon arriving there, while the coffin was being lowered into the grave, he fainted and had to be carried hurriedly home in a carriage.
Your correspondent neglected to mention in the report yesterday that no powder burns were noticed on Fletcher's lace or shirt front, and the bullet which was showed him today is a 38-calibre instead or 32, as stated.

Dr. Byrn also stated to him this morning when he cut the ball out, it was in the back of Fletcher's neck, just under the skin, and went straight through from where it entered in the throat, instead of ranging upward, as he first supposed.
[Source: Daily American; Nashville, TN; 11 Dec 1889]

Frank Selph Discharaged
Justice Henry Decides That the Killing of Fletcher Was Justifiable
Murfreesboro, Dec. 12 - [Special]
Frank B. Selph was arraigned for trial today before M. M. Henry, Esq., charged with the murder of E. E. Fletcher. The evidence of the witnesses who testified before the Coroner's jury was taken, and the Magistrate decided that the shooting was in necessary self-defense, and he was discharged. 
[Source: Daily American; Nashville, TN; 13 Dec 1889]

“All Over the South” Tennessee - Edwin E. Fletcher was shot and killed at Murfreesboro by Frank B. Selph. Both were popular society young men. The difficulty arose from charges made by Selph to the effect that Fletcher had misappropriated funds in a thanksgiving social event. Fletcher was on top of Selph striking him over the head when the fatal shot was fired.
[Source: Dallas Morning News, 15 Dec 1889, p. 18]

The story of Fletcher’s shooting was picked up and run in several national newspapers, including The Macon Weekly Telegraph  [Georgia], and The Abeerdeen Daily News [South Dakota].

Prior to his death Frank Selph had been purchasing race horses. The New York Times reported that he purchased $44,000 worth of horses just months prior to his death. 

In February of 1890 the newspapers were reporting Frank's anticipated move to Nashville, but it is unclear if he ever relocated.

Mr. Frank B. Selph, a Murfreesboro attorney who will shortly move to Nashville, was in the city yesterday.
[Source: Daily American; Nashville, TN; 19 Feb 1890]

Miss Kimbro and Mr. Frank B. Selph will be married April 22 at 5 o'clock at Murfreesboro. They will leave for New York that evening. The bride is the daughter of the late John B. Kimboro, President of the First National Bank of Murfreesboro. Mr. Selph is a member of the law firm of Burton & Selph and is the grandson of Col. Hardy Murfree for whom Murfressboro was named.
[Source: Daily American; Nashville, TN; 13 Apr 1890]

F. B. Selph married La Salle Kimbro on 22 April 1890.
[Source: certificate #2447]

Barn and Dwelling Burned
[Special Telegram to The American.]
Murfreesboro. Nov 16 - Last night a barn and dwelling-house, which was about ready for occupation, belonging to F. B. Selph, and situated about two miles rom town on the Salem pike, were destroyed by fire. Almost covered by insurance. His dwelling was burned one before last spring. Cause incendiary.
[Source: Daily American; Nashville, TN; 17 Nov 1890]

Frank Selph was shot to death by Joseph Boehms in Murfreesboro:

Verdict of Self-Defence - A Sensactional Murder on Main Street in Murfreesboro. Special to the journal. Nashville, Nov. 9 - There was a sensational killing at Murfreesboro this evening at six o’clock when Joseph Boehms shot and instantly killed Frank Selph, a young lawyer and trotting horse owner. They were on Main Street near the square discussing a gambling transaction when Boehms told Selph he had better not follow him and started out on the square. Selph walked along beside him remarking, “I am not following you but want to go by this way.” Selph passed Boehms and suddenly turned and started to draw a revolver, but Boehms was too quick and got the drop on him. Selph then started to run but Boehms emptied his pistol, and one ball passing through Selph‘s side and abdomen, causing a wound from which he died almost instantly. Selph was highly connected and leaves a young wife. The coroner‘s jury returned a verdict of self defense”
[Source: The Knoxville Journal, 10 Nov 1892]

The lawsuit that Iley N. Selph brought against his uncle Dr. George W. Burton revealed that Frank Selph was insolvent at the time of his death. Frank must have spent any funds that he was holding for brother Iley with the hope that he would catch up later, but he died before that happened. Obviously, Frank, disparate for funds, must have pressed Boehms for money owed him on a recent horse race, and Boehms, rather than pay Frank, killed him when the opportunity presented itself. Conveniently, he was able to avoid charges by claiming self defense. If the article is accurate, though, a man running away does not pose much of threat! 

The horses that Frank B. Selph purchased for the sum of $44,000 were returned to the seller when Frank's estate proved to be insolvent:

Murfreesboro, May 13 [Special] - The suit of D. M. Harris, of Zanesville, O., vs. the administrator of Frank B. Selph and Mrs. F. B. Selph, of this place in the Chancery Court was decided this morning by Chancellor Walter S. Bearden, of Shelbyville, in favor of the complainant. By the Chancellor's decision all the horses that Harris sold Selph are restored to him except one, Evil Dictator, who was bought by Selph in a separate trade from the other stock, and the Kissam note, which Selph paid Harris for the horses and which Harris claims were worthless are directed to be turned over to Mrs. Selph. Harris sold Selph the horses at the price of $40,000, and all the payment made by Selph was in notes he held against a Mr. Kissam, of New York, and #3,000, with which Evil Dictator was bought, and for this amount Selph gave his individual notes, and it was on this account that Harris failed in having Evil Dictator returned in the decision of the other sales. It is not definitely known whether the defendents will appeal from the Chancellor's decision or not.
[Source: Daily American, 14 May 1893]

Rutherford County--The News.
Mr. Tom Tobias has bought the Kimbro farm on Salem pike from Mrs. LaSalle Selph, paying $8,200.
[Source: The Liberty Herald; 10 July 1895]

Real Estate Transfers. 
Pattie W. Hendricks and D. S. Hendricks to Mrs. Lasalle Selph, land on Hayes street, $1,640.
[Source: The Nashville American; Nashville, TN; 23 Aug 1895]

Tennesseans at the Hotels. Nicholson Hotel: Mrs. LaSalle Selph, Murfreesboro
[Source: The Nashville American; Nashville, TN; 5 Sep 1895]

By late 1896, the widow, La Salle (Kimbro) Selph, had at least one would be suitor:

Murfreesboro, Oct 9 (Special) - One of the swellest germans ever given in Murfreesboro was that Thursday night at the Armory. The Italian Band, of Nashville, furnished the music. The german was led by Doc Ledbetter. At 2 o'clock the dancers enjoyed an elegant lunch. Those present: Mrs. Selph and Samuel Henry Hodge [a couple].
[Source: The Nashville American; Nashville, TN; 10 Oct 1896]

Murfreesboro, May 28 - Mrs. LaSalle Selph spent several days at the Centennial this week.
[Source: The Nashville American; Nashville, TN; 30 May 1897]

Residence at Abilene
Abilene, Tex., March 26--Last night a residence on Cedar street belonging to Mrs. La Salle Selph of Murfreesborough, Tenn., and occupied by E.J. Waters was burned. Valued at $2,000; insured in the Phoenix of Brooklyn for $1,500. Furniture uninsured, very little of it being saved.
[Source: Dallas Morning News; Dallas, TX; Sun. 27 Mar. 1898]

Mrs. LaSalle Selph has returned to Murfreesboro, Tenn.
[Source: Dallas Morning News; Dallas, TX; Mon. 11 Apr 1898]

La Salle Selph married Joel Allen Battle on 7 July 1898 in Murfreesboro, TN.
[Source: certificate #2733]

26 June 1900; ED 106 Civil District 7; Rutherford County, TN, p. 79A:

Battle, J.A. Head W M Oct 1866 33 M-2 b. TN fb. TN mb. TN
-----La Salle Wife W F Apr 1871 29 M-2 0-0 b. TN fb. TN mb. TN

2 May 1910, Dist #111, Civil Dist #12, Davidson County, TN:

106 White Creek Pike
Battle, Joel A. Head M W 43 M-1 11 b. TN fb. TN mb. TN
-----La Salle Wife F W 38 M-2 11 0-0 b. TN fb. TN mb. MS

La Salle (Kimbro) Selph Battle and Joel Allen Battle divorced between 1910 and 1913 when he married his second wife.

Mrs. LaSalle Battle, h 1711 West End av
[Source: 1915 Nashville, Tennessee City Directory]

LaSalle Battle, r131 4th av N
[Source: 1922 Nashville, Tennessee City Directory]

La Salle (Kimbro) Selph Battle died in 1936 in Davidson County, Tennessee and is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery in Murfreesboro, Rutherford County, Tennessee.

Sunday, February 15, 2015


© Kathy Duncan, 2015

Jewel Reese Laine, son of Mary Emma (Barber) and Leroy W. Laine, born 12 Oct 1886 in Mt. Pleasant, TX. Parents listed as Lee Roy Wilkins Lane and Mary Emme Barber in Texas Births and Christenings, 1840 - 1981. He married Willie Dee Montgomery in 1907 in Fisher County, Texas. They moved to Dickens County, Texas in 1910. He and Willie Dee are buried in the Spur Cemetery in Dickens County, Texas.

Census records for Jewel Reese and Wille Dee (Montgomery) Laine:

1908 Fisher Co., TX tax rolls
Laine, J.R.

13 May 1910, Pct. #3, Dickens Co., TX:

Lane, Joel R Head M W 23 M-1 3 b. TX fb. TN mb. AL
-----, Willie D. Wife F W 18 M-1 3 1-1 b. TX fb. TX mb. TX
-----, Clarice D. Daughter F W 12/12 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX

24 Feb 1920, Pct. #3, Spur, Dickens Co., TX:

Laine, J. R. Head M W 33 M b. TX fb. Ireland mb. Ark
-----Willie D Wife F W 27 M b. TX fb. AL mb. Ark
-----Clarice Daughter F W 10 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX
-----Morris Son M W 6 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX

14 April 1930, J P #3, Spur, Dickens Co., TX:

Laine, Jewel R Head  M W 43 M 20 b. TX fb. TN mb. AL
-----Willie D. Wife F W 38 M15 b. TX fb. AL mb. Ark
-----Thannicsh, Clarice E Daughter F W 20 D 17 b. TX fb. TX mb. TX
Laine, Morris C. Son M W 16 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX
Laine, Billy J Son M W 7 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX

5 April 1940, Prct #3, Spur, Dickens Co., TX:

Laine, J. R. Head M W 53 M H-1 b. TX res. same house 1935
-----, Willie Dee Wife F W 47 M 7 b. TX res. same house 1935
-----, Bill Son M W 17 S H-3 b. TX res. same house 1935

Published biography of Jewel Reese Laine:

J.R. “Red” Laine and Willie Dee Montgomery were married in Fisher County in 1907 and came to Spur in 1910 among the very first residents of the town. He was a painter-paperhanger and at one time had painted or papered every house in Spur. The family was active in the Methodist Church where Mrs. Laine taught a Sunday school class more than fifty years.

Children of J.R. and Willie Dee Laine are: Clairice, who married Horace Wood, Kent County rancher; Tanner, well-known West Texas newspaperman and author; Bill (deceased), who was an accountant.
Six grandchildren include: Margaret Wood, who married Dr. Harold Branan; Dr. Beverly Krieger; Priscilla, who married Dr. Barlow Neaves; Tanner A. Laine, son of Tanner Laine; Nancy Price, and Jim Laine, daughter and son of Bill Laine.

There are ten great-grandchildren.

Tanner Laine married Marjory Meek of Quanah; Bill Laine married Marie Whitwell of Spur.
[Source: Dickens County, Texas: Its Land and People]

Obituary of Jewel Reese Laine published in The Texas Spur, 12 January 1961:

Spur Pioneer, J.R. Laine, Buried Sunday -  Funeral services for J.R. Laine, 74, were held Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. in the First Methodist Church, Rev. William McReynolds, officiating.

Mr. Laine, who had been ill for some time, died January 7th.

Born October 12, 1886, he came to Spur and Dickens County in 1910, shortly after the town was founded.
He married the former Miss Willie Dee Montogomery in McCauley, Texas in 1907. He was a member of the Methodist Church. He worked for many years as a painting contractor and was retired at the time of his death.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. J.R. Laine; one daughter, Mrs. Horace Wood, Spur; two sons, Tanner Laine, Lubbock, and W.J. Laine, Fort Worth. One brother and one sister also survive. They are Morris Laine, California and Mrs. Turie Stephenson, Houston.

Pallbearers included D.J. Dyes, Frank Watson, Clarence Foreman, George Link, Dr. Bob Alexander and Bill R. Barrett.

The Roundup SS Class served as honorary pallbearers. Interment was in Spur Cemetery.
[Source: The Texas Spur, 12 Jan 1961]

Mrs. Willie Dee Laine, 76, of Spur, was reported in critical condition in the intensive care unit at West Texas Hospital late Monday. Mrs. Laine is the mother of Avalanche-Journal regional editor Tanner Laine.
[Source: Lubbock Avalanche Journal; Lubbock, TX; 4 June 1968]

Saturday, February 14, 2015


© Kathy Duncan, 2015

Emma Arsenia Brown, daughter of John and Mary Emma (Barber) Brown, was born 17 March 1870 in Titus County, Texas and died 29 December 1950 in Bogata, Red River County, Texas.  She married Silas O. Brown. Both are buried in  Tranquil Cemetery in Winfield, Titus County, Texas.

Census records of Emma Arsenia (Brown) and Silas O. Brown:

4 June 1900, Prct #2, Titus Co., TX, p. 198:

24 - 24
Brown, S.O. Head W M 1866 34 M-12 b.TX fb. TX
-----E.A. Wife W  F Nov 1870 23 M-12  3-2  b. TX  fb. NC  mb. AL
-----Jessie Dau  W  F Mar 1890 10 S b. TX  fb. TX  mb. TX
-----Era Dau W  F 1895 5 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX

27 April 1910, J P #1, Franklin Co., TX:

Brown, Silas O Head M W 43 M-1 21 b. TX fb. MO mb. MO
-----Emma R. Wife F W 40 M-1 21 6-5 b. TX fb. SC mb. AL
-----Jessie V. Dau F W 20 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX
-----Eva E Dau F W 15 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX
-----Lena M Dau F W 6 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX
-----Ardena O Dau F W 4 S b. OK fb. TX mb. TX
-----Loyd O Son M W 1 10/12 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX

20 & 21 Jan 1920, Prct #1, Hopkins Co., TX, p. 39:

161 - 179
Brown, S.O. Head M W 59-M b. TX  fb. MO  mb. MS
-----Arcenia Wife F  W 49-M b. TX  fb. SC  mb. TX
-----Vinie Mare Dau F  W 15 S b. TX  fb. TX   mb. TX
-----Ardina O. Dau F  W 13 S b. OK fb. TX  mb. TX
-----Loyd O. Son M W 11 S b. TX  fb TX mb.  TX

14 April 1930, Prct 1, Hood Co., TX:

Brown, Silas O Head M W 63 M 21 b. tX fb. MO Mb. MS
-----Emma A Wife F W 60 M 18 b. TX fb. NC mb. AL

1933 City Directory of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, TX:

Brown, Silas O (Arcenia) h316 Lipscomb

20 May 1940, J.P. #3, Red River County, Texas:

Brown, Silas O Head M W 73 M 8th grade b. TX res in Red River Co. 1935
-----Emma A Wife F W 70 M 7th grade b. TX res. Red River Co. 1935
Cranford, Ardena O Dau F W 34 M 9th grade b. OK res. Red River Co. 1935
-----Bernada L G-Dau F W 13 7th grade b. TX res. Red River Co. 1935

Brown, Loyd O. Head M W 32 M 7th grade b. TX res. Red River Co. 1935
-----Veda B Wife F W 27 M 7th grade b. TX res Red River Co. 1935
-----Wilma L. Dau F W 10 S 3rd grade b. TX res Red River Co. 1935
-----Billie G Son M W 6 S b. TX res. Red River Co. 1935
-----Beatrice S. Dau F W 9/12 S b. TX res. Red River Co. 1935

Obituary of Silas O. Brown, published in the Bogata News  on Friday, 27 July 1945:

Funeral Services For S.O. Brown Tuesday Afternoon - S.O. Brown, aged 79 years, died at his home in Bogata on Sunday. He was born Sept. 20, 1866, and was married to Miss Emma Brown in 1888. To them were born six chidren, four of whom survive, along with his wife. They are Mrs. C.W. Roberts of Bogata, Mrs. F.L. Clark of Ft. Worth, Loyd Brown and Mrs. W.M. Quick, both of Paris. Fourteen grandchildren and three great grandchildren, and one brother, H.H. Brown of Bogata. He had been a member of the Methodist church since the age of seventeen. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist church by Rev. R.E. Porter, assited by rev. Curtis Hoover of Deport and Rev. Taylor of New Hagansort. Burial was in the Tranquill cemetery. Pallbearers were G.W. Bartlett, L.C. McDonald, Willie Davis, Ben Shows, M.C. Ellis and W.H. Summers.
[Source: Obituaries for Red River County, Texas taken from Bogata News 1944 thru 1957 and other Miscellaneous Newspapers beginning in 1846  by Lawrence and Sue Dale]

Obituary of Emma Arsenia Brown, published in the Bogata News  on Friday, 5 Jan 1951:

Funeral Services Held Sunday For Mrs. S.O. Brown - Mrs. Emma Arsenia Brown, 80, of Bogata, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Roberts, Friday night after being confined to her bed for the past twenty one months. Mrs. Brown was born in Titus County, March 17, 1870 and was the widow of the late S.O. Brown, who proceeded her in death in 1944. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the Bogata Methodist church by Rev. L..L. Hanson, pastor of the Baptist church, assisted by Rev. W.D. Thompson. Burial was made in the Tranquil cemetery near Mr. Vernon. Bogata Funeral Home had charge of arrangements. Survivors include four children, Mrs. W.M. Quick and Loyd Brown of Paris, Mrs. F.L. Clark of Ft. Worth and Mrs. Roberts with whom she made her home. Ten grandchidren, seven great-grandchildren, one brother, Toy Brown of Avery, one half brother, Jewel Lain of Spur. Pallbearers were her nephews, Herman Stinson, W.G. White, H.B. Stinson, Jr., J.A. Eudy, C.L. Brown and David Brown. Out-of-town relatives attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stinson and son, Junior and Mrs. Lizzy Brown of New Boston, Mrs. Toy Brown, Mrs. Alma Beardon and daughter, Ruth and Mildred of Avery, Mr. and Mrs. W.G. White and Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Eudy of Kilgore, Clifton Brown of Paris and Mr. and Mrs. David Brown and chidren of Mt. Vernon.
[Source: Obituaries for Red River County, Texas taken from Bogata News 1944 thru 1957 and other Miscellaneous Newspapers beginning in 1846  by Lawrence and Sue Dale]

Friday, February 13, 2015


© Kathy Duncan, 2015

Toy Mansel Brown, son of John and Mary Emma (Barber) Brown, was born 26 Aug 1875 in Texas. He married Henrietta “Bessie” Elizabeth KELLEY, daughter of Mansel Pinkney and Elizabeth "Eliza" Ann Rebecca (THOMPSON) KELLEY on 18 Aug 1898 in Mt. Pleasant, Titus Co., Texas. He died 29 May 1853 in Avery, Red River Co., Texas and is buried beside Bessie in the English Cemetery in Red River County, Texas.

When he saw his daughter Nina’s son, for the first time he said, “Now I can die in peace. Finally, there is a baby in the family that looks like my mother.” The baby had red hair and green eyes like Mary Emma (Barber) Brown Lain.

Obituary of Toy Mansel Brown published in The Clarksville Times, on Fri., 5 June 1953:

Toy Brown Buried Sunday at English. Toy M. Brown, farmer at Avery, died at his residence May 29 at 5 a.m.

His funeral was conducted May 31 in the English Methodist Church by the Rev. O.B. Rogers, former pastor. Interment was in the English cemetery, Clarksville Funeral Home in charge. Pallbearers were Charles J. Williams, Bryant Grant, Luther Giles, Olan Markham, Delbert Gortney and Mr. Stinson.

Mr. Brown was born in Jacksonville, Texas, August 26, 1875, and had been a resident of Red River County forty years. He was married August 18, 1898 to Bessie Kelley at Mt. Pleasant. She survives.

Other survivors are twenty-six grandchildren, twenty great grandchildren and three sons and daughters:
Homer L. and Nelson K. Brown, Colorado Springs, Colorado; Warner Brown, Schroup, Idaho; Mrs. W.S. Chapman and Mrs. Alma McCain, Avery; Mrs. H.H. Lane, Witchita Falls, and Mrs. Richard Hughes, Arlington, Texas.
[Source:  The Clarksville Times; Clarksville, TX;  Fri., 5 June 1953.]

Obituary of Bessie Brown published in The Clarksville Times, on 14 Oct 1971:

Mrs. B. Brown. Mrs. Bessie Brown, 96, of Avery died Saturday, October 9, in Live Oaks Convalescent Center. Services were conducted Monday, October 11, at 3 p.m. in Williams Chapel United Methodist Church by Rev. O.B. Rogers, assisted by Rev. Clarence Snodgrass. Clarksville Funeral Home directed burial in English cemetery.
Pallbearers were Alvie Markham, Delbert Gortney, Dewitt Lennon, Marvin Stinson, Homer L. Brown and Carl D. Lane.
Born August 15, 1875, at Camden, South Carolina, she was the daughter of Pink and Eliza Ann Thompson [sic]. Mrs. Brown had lived in Red River County for 57 years. She was a member of the English Methodist Church. She married at Mt. Pleasant August 18, 1898.
Surviving are sons, Homer Brown of Colorado Springs, Colo.; Nelson Brown of Colorado Springs, Colo., and Werna Brown, Terrell, Tex.; daughters, Mrs. Bertha Chapman, Avery; Mrs. Erma Lane of Wichita Falls, Mrs. Alma Dorrough of Carrolton, and Mrs. Nina Flynn of Medford, Ore.; 33 grand children, 47 great grandchildren and 10 great great grandchildren.
[Source: The Clarksville Times; Clarksville, TX; Thrus., 14 Oct 1971, p. 4]

Census records for Toy Mansel and Elizabeth “Bessie” (Kelley) Brown:

9 June 1900, Just Pct #2, Titus County, Texas, p. 202A:

Brown, Tory M. Head W M Aug 1875 24 M-1 b. TX fb. NC mb. AL
-----Bessie Wife W F Aug 1875 M-1 1-1 b. SC fb. SC mb. SC
-----Bertha Dau W F June 1899 S b. TX fb. TX mb. SC

6 May 1910, Twp 4, McCurtain Co., OK, p. 136:

3 - 3  BROWN, Toy M. Head M W 34  M1-12 b. TX fb. AL mb. NC
-----, Bessie E.  Wife F  W  34  M1-12 5-5 b. SC fb. SC mb. SC
-----, Bertha Dau M W  10  S b. TX fb. TX mb. SC
-----, Hood Son M W 9  S b. TX fb. TX mb. SC
-----, Irma Dau  F W 7  S  b. TX fb. TX mb. SC
-----, Alma Dau F  W 4  S b. OK fb. TX  mb. SC
-----, Homer Son M W 1 S m. OK fb. TX mb. SC

6 Jan 1920, Prct #7, Red River Co., TX, p. 29:

49-49  BROWN, Toy M. Head M W  44 M b. TX fb. NC mb. AL
-----, Besie Wife F W 44 M b. SC fb. SC mb. SC
-----. Bertha Dau F W 20 S b. TX fb. TX mb. SC
-----, Hood Son M W 18 S b. TX fb. TX mb. SC
-----, Erma Dau F  W 16 S b. TX fb. TX mb. SC
-----, Alma Dau F W 13 S b. OK fb. TX  mb. SC
-----, Homer Son M W  11 S b. OK fb. TX mb. SC
-----, Nelson Son M W  8 S b. OK fb. TX mb. SC
-----, Warner Son M W  5 S b. TX fb. TX mb. SC
-----, Verna Dau F W  5 S b. TX fb. TX mb. SC
-----, Nina Dau F W 1 S b. TX fb. TX mb. SC

7 Apr 1930, Prct #7, Red River Co., TX, p. 260:

Brown, Toy Head M W 54 M-23 b. TX fb. NC mb. AL
---, Bessie Wife F W  54 M-23 b. SC fb. SC mb. SC
---, Nelson Son M W 19 S b. OK fb. TX  mb. SC
---, Wirner Son M W  15 S fb. TX mb. TX fb. SC
---, Vernia Dau  F  W 15 S b. TX fb. TX mb. SC
---, Nina Dau F  W 12 S b. TX fb. TX mb. SC
McCain, Alma Dau F  W  23 Wd b. OK  fb. TX mb. SC
---, Mary F. g-dau F W 5 S b. TX fb. TX mb. OK
---, _____ J. g-dau  F  W  3 7/12 S b. TX fb. TX mb. OK
---, Ruth g-dau F  W 1 1/12  S b. TX fb. TX mb. OK

22 April 1940, Prct 7, Red River Co., TX:

Brown, Toya Head M W 64 M 4th grade b. TX same house in 1935
----Bessie Wife F W 64 M 4th grade b. SC same house in 1935 seamstress, sewing project

Left to right, front: Wade Lennon (boy), Bertha (Brown) Chapman, Toy M Brown, and Henrietta Elizabeth (Kelley) Brown. Left to right, back: Werna Brown and Homer Brown (standing),Erma (Brown) Lane and Nelson Brown (sitting).

Thomas Jefferson Brown

© Kathy Duncan, 2015

Thomas J. Brown, son of John and Mary Emma (Barber) Brown, was born 21 Jan 1873, according to the John Brown Bible and to the 1900 census. It is believed that the 1871 birth date recorded on his tombstone and his death record are an error committed by one of his survivors. The birth order pattern of Mary Emma (Barber) Brown’s children makes the 1873 date more likely than the 1871 date.

Thomas J. Brown married Elizabeth “Lizzie” Smith, daughter of Jess and Alice Lain Smith. According to her death certificate, Lizzie Brown was born 13 Sep 1876 in Hopkins Co., TX to Alice Lain and Tom Brown. She died in Doctor’s Nursing Center of Dallas, TX on 9 Oct 1970 and was buried in the Mt. Vernon Cemetery in Mt. Vernon, Franklin Co., TX. The informant on her death certificate was her daughter Marie Ross. Notations on the death certificate indicate that the registrar verified that her maiden name was Brown and that her father was Tom Brown, so it is unclear why her husband's name was recorded as being her father. Her obituary, however, makes it clear that she was Lizzie Smith instead.

Census Records of Thomas J. and Lizzie Brown:

28 June 1900, Prct #3, Franklin Co., TX, p. 57:

278 - 283 Brown, T.J. Head W M Jan 1878 27 M-7 b. AL fb. AL mb. AL
---, Lizzie Wife W F  Sept 1878 21 M-7 3-2 b. TX fb. TX mb. TX
---Clara Dau W F Dec 1892 5 S b. TX fb. AL  mb. TX
---Ince Dau W F  Sept 1896 3 S b. TX fb. AL  mb. TX

10 May 1910, Prct. #3, Franklin Co., TX, p. 243:

296-299 Brown, Thomas J. Head M W 37 M1-17 b. TX fb. NC mb. AL
---Elizabeth Wife F  W 32 M1-17 4-3 b. TX fb. TX  mb. TX
---Clara Dau F  W 15 S b. TX  mb. TX fb. TX
---Ivia? Dau F W 13 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX
---Mittie Dau F  W   7 S b. TX  mb. TX fb. TX

23 Feb 1920, Prct #3, Franklin Co., TX, p. 106:

FM 4 -4 Brown, T.J. Head M W 48 M b. TX fb. NC mb. AL
---, Lizzie Wife F  W 42 M b. TX fb. TX b. TX
---, Mattie Dau F  W 17 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX
---, Alvin Son M W  9 S  b. TX fb. TX mb. TX
---, Alfiia Dau F   W 5 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX
---, Davie Son M W 2 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX

24 Apr 1930, Gay Rock Prct, Franklin Co., TX, p. 114A:

52-53 Brown, Tom J. Head M W 57 M b. TX fb. ENG mb. AL
---, Lizzie Wife F  W 50 M b. TX fb. TX mb. TX
---, Alvin Son M W 19 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX
---, Marie  Dau F W  15 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX
---, David  Son M W  12 S b. TX fb. TX mb. TX

Thomas Jefferson Brown, wife Lizzie, and children

Franklin Co., TX Marriages:

Alvin Brown married Lizzie Lee Seay on 24 Feb 1933 [F-302]
Clara Brown married J.B. Mebane on 21 Dec 1913 [E-174]
Mittie Brown married Herman Stinson 17 July 1924 [F-72]
Ina Brown married Oggie Cooper 4 Nov 1917 [E-400]
[Soruce: Marriages of Franklin Co., TX 1875 - 1959 by Christine Dennis Skelly]

Franklin Co., TX burials:

Mt. Vernon City Cemtery:
Alvin T. Brown 1910 - 1977 - Buried Garner Cem. near Foroyce, AZ
David J. Brown 7 Sep 1917 - 15 Hab 1971
Lizzie Brown 3 Sep 1877 - 9 Oct 1970
Tom J. Brown 21 Jan 1971 - 19 Apr 1936
Clara B. Mebane 25 Dec 1894 - 18 Sep 1982
John B. Mebane 17 Dec 1894 - 9 May 1984
Herman B. Stinson 27 Feb 1900 - 1977
Mittie L. Stinson 23 Feb 1903 - 26 Jul 1990
[Source: Mt. Vernon City Cemetery by Franklin Co., TX Gen Society]

Obituary of Thomas J. Brown published in The Optic  24 Apr 1936:

Tom J. Brown died 19 Apr 1936 - Tom J. Brown, 65, a well known Franklin County citizen and prominent in Flora Bluff community life east of town was claimed by death at his home early Sunday morning after a hopeless struggle with pneumonia. He had been ill eight days. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Mt. Vernon Baptist Church by Rev. J. E. Whitt, pastor, burial following in City Cemetery. Mr. Brown a faithful member of the Baptist Church for some 50 years, had affliliated himself many years ago with the local institution. The deceased had spent his life in Titus and Franklin Counties, living in the Daphne community before making his home 18 years ago at Flora Bluff, where he was a successful farmer. Surviving are his wife and five children, Mrs. John Mebane, Mrs. Herman Stinson, Mrs. Roy Fenn, Alvin T. Brown and David Brown all of Franklin County.
[Source: Obituaries and Death Notices From Franklin County [TX] Newspapers 1926 - 1936]

Obituary of Lizzie Brown published in the Optic Herald on 15 Oct. 1970:

Lizzie Brown Services Held - Funeral services were held for Mrs. Lizzie Brown of Dallas Sunday, Oct. 11 at 2:00 p.m. in the Sam Harvey Funeral Chapel. Rev. John E. Whitt officiated with interment in Mt. Vernon Cemetery.
Mrs. Brown, 94, passed away in Dallas on Oct. 9. She was born in Texas Sept. 3, 1876, the daughter of Jess and Alice Lain Smith. She married Tom Brown in Titus County in 1892.
Survivors include two sons, Alvin Brown of Fordyce, Ark. and David Brown of Duncan, Okla.; three daughters, Mrs. John Mebane of Mt. Vernon, Mrs. Herman Stinson, of Mt. Pleasant, and Mrs. Marie Ross of Dallas; one sister, Mrs. Jessie Gentry of Dallas; one half-brother Buddy Laine of Talco; ten grand-children, 9 great grandchildren, and five great-great grandchildren.
Pallbearers were W.B. Rozier, Fleet Moulton, Pat Miller, E.L. Bearden, Ollie Titus, and Roy Dean.
[Source: Optic Herald, M. Vernon, Franklin Co., TX, Thurs., Oct 15, 1970, p. 5.]  

Obituaries of the children of Thomas J. and Elizabeth (Smith) Brown:

Obituary for Clara (Brown) Mebane published in the Optic-Herald 23 Sept 1982:

Clara Mebane - Funeral services for Clara Mebane, 87, of Mt. Vernon were held Monday, Sept. 20 in the Harvey Funeral Home Chapel, with Revs. Joe Bass and John Henry Brinks officiating. Burial was in Mt. Vernon Cemetery.
Mrs. Mebane was born Dec 25, 1894 in Franklin Co., the daughter of T.J. Brown and Lizzie Smith. She married John Mebane, who survives. She died Sept. 18 at Terry Haven Nursing Home.
Other survivors include one son, Billy Mebane of Sulpher Springs; three daughters, Dorothy Thompson of Albuquerque, NM, Joy Rich of Odessa and Doris Brown of Sterling, Louisiana; two sisters, Mittie Stinson of Mt. Pleasant and Marie Ross of Dallas; twelve grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were members of the family.
[Source: The Optic-Herald, Mt. Vernon, Franklin Co., TX, Thurs. 23 Sept 1982, p. 13.]

Obituary for Mittie (Brown) Stinson published in the Optic-Herald, 2 Aug 1990:

Mittie Stinson - Funeral services for Mittie Lucille Stinson, 87, Mt. Vernon, were held July 28, 1990 at Bates-Cooper-Weems Chapel, Mt. Pleasant, with Brother Jamie Duncan officiating. Interment was held at Mt. Vernon City Cemetery.
Mrs. Stinson was born Feb. 23, 1903 in Franklin County to Red Tom and Lizzie Smith Brown. She died July 26 at Villa Nursing Home.
Mrs. Stinson was retired from Red River Army Depot.
Survivors include her son and daughter-in-law, H.B. Stinson Jr. and Vonice; three grandchildren, Robert Stinson, Wake Village; Lila Sue Gentry, Wake Village; Angela Fox, Bowie; 2 step-grandchildren: Darlene Mears, Odessa and Lewis Sanger, Murchison.
[Source: Optic-Herald, Mt. Vernon, Franklin Co., TX, Thurs. 2 Aug 1990, p. 13]  

Obituary for David Brown published in the Optic Herald on 21 Jan 1971:

Services Held for David Brown - Funeral services were held for David Brown of Duncan, Okla, Wed. Jan 20, at 2 p.m. in the Sam Harvey Chapel with Rev. John E. Whitt officiating. Burial was in Mt. Vernon Cemetery.
Brown, 53, died Jan. 17 at Duncan. He was born Sept. 7, 1917 in Franklin Co., the son of Tom and Lizzie Brown. He married the former Thelma Belcher in Oct. 1838.
Survivors include his widow, four daughters, Mrs. Carolyn Gracien of Okinawa, Mrs. Linda Williams of Ft. Worth, Mrs. Barbara Privete of Houston, and Mrs. Gail Wooden of Duncan, Okla,; one son, Donald Brown of Duncan, Okla; one brother, Alvin Brown of Fordyce, Ark.; three sisters, Mrs. Herman Stinson of Mt. Pleasant, Mrs. John Mebane of Mt. Vernon and Mrs. Marie Ross of Dallas; and two grandchildren.
Pallbearers were J.D. Maples, Buddy Hanks, Bryan Rozier, Tony Dacus, Kenneth Fenn, Louis Belcher, and Alton Case.
[Source: Optic Hearld, Mt. Vernon, Franklin Co., TX, Thurs. Oct 21, 1971, p. 4]

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Theodocia Viola (England) Fairweather

© Kathy Duncan, 2015

Theodocia Viola England, daughter of William W. and Fatima C. (Jamison)  England, was born in California in 1875 and died 1969. She is buried in Reedley Cemetery in Fresno County, California.

She married John Henry Fairfield on 8 March 1908 in San Francisco, California as his second wife.

Census Records for John Henry and Theodocia V. (England) Fairweather:

27 April 1910; San Francisco Assembly District 39, San Francisco County, California:

324A Prescidio Ave
- 204
Fairweather, John H. - Head - M W 35 M-2 5 b. OH fb. Eng mb. Eng
----Theodocia - Wife - F W 34 M-1 5 1-1 b. CA fb. GA mb. MO
----Anna H. - Daugher - F W 1 11/12 S b. CA fb. OH mb. CA

20 January 1920; Reedley City; Fresno County, California:

1119 K Street
Fairweather, John H. - Head - M W 45 M b. OH fb. Eng mb. Eng
----Theodocia V. - Wife - F W 43 M b. CA fb. VA mb. U.S.
----A Helen - Daughter - F W 11 S b. CA b. OH mb. CA
----John H. Jr. - Son - M W 8 S b. CA fb. OH mb. CA
----James W. - Son - M W 6 S b. CA fb. OH mb. CA

21 April 1930 Twp. 8; Fresno County, California:

Fairweather, John H. - Head - M W 55 M-31 b. OH fb. Eng mb. Eng
----Theodocia V. - Wife - F M 54 M-30 b. CA fb. GA mb. MO
----John H. Jr. - Son - M W 18 S b. CA fb. OH mb. CA
----James W. - Son - M W 16 S b. CA fb. OH mb. CA

The following biography of Theodocia's husband, John Henry Fairweather, appeared in 1933:


John Henry Fairweather is the publisher of the Reedley Exponent, and has been an active citizen of Fresno county for the greater portion of his life. He is the son of the late John Fairweather of Fresno, whose name is inextricably bound up with the history of irrigation in central California.

John Fairweather, the father, was born at Langton-by-Wragby, Lincolnshire, England, January 14, 1845, came to the United States when about twenty years old, and settled at Chagrin Falls, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, where he was engineer in a paper mill for many years. Later he ran a farm for a time and came to California in 1889, settling at Reedley, where he first opened a real estate office.
Those were the days of the promotion of the Alta Irrigation district and the opening up of one of the richest areas of Fresno and Tulare counties. Worthless lands became of great value through the application of Kings river water, under the operation of the recently passed Wright act for co­operative water districts.

John Fairweather was shortly thereafter elected justice of the peace at Reedley, and threw himself actively into public life. In 1895, he was elected to the California assembly as a Democrat. For many years he was the Fresno county delegate to the National Irrigation Congress, and. was tireless in promoting knowledge of the opportunity for developing water and electric power for farm use. Experienced in the early history of the Alta district, he assisted in the organization of the Fresno district and the Consolidated district, which with the Alta covered most of the intensively cultivate areas of the county.

After publishing the Reedley Exponent for twenty years, the elder Fairweather turned the property over to his son, John Henry, and moved to Fresno. He was treasurer of the Fresno Irrigation district from its organization until he passed away.
John and Mary Fairweather had eight children: Mrs. J. Frank Brown, of Hanford; Mrs. William McCreary, of Reedley; Mrs. Mary Jayne, of Reedley; John Henry Fairweather; Mrs. C. W. Mathews, of Los Angeles; and Mrs. W. A. Gregory, of Dinuba. Two sons who passed away in their early manhood.

John Henry Fairweather was born at Chagrin Falls, Ohio, May 14, 1874, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Fairweather. Educated in schools in Ohio and at Reedley, he later attended night school and private institutions in San Francisco. When sixteen years of age, he went to work for the Fresno Evening Expositor and continued in the work for six years. Next, he returned to Reedley and with his father purchased the Weekly Exponent, which he ran for two years. Then he turned this paper over to his father and went to San Francisco, where he worked in a printing office. He also worked in the state printing office in Sacramento. After working as a street car conductor for three years, he was a police officer for four years in San Francisco. During this time, he was chairman of the general body of patrolmen which was in­strumental in getting an increase in pay for policemen after the great fire of 1906. Following this, he was with the California Society for the Preven­tion of Cruelty to Children; then was head of the similar society in Oakland and was deputy probation officer of Alameda and other counties, being prosecutor for the society in the courts.

Mr. Fairweather returned to Reedley in 1915, and since that time has been the owner and editor of the Reedley Exponent. He has put in a new printing plant and has one of the best equipped plants in the San Joaquin Valley’. Lie v,-as for a term the president of the Reedley Chamber of Commerce and president of the Lions club, and deputy district governor of Lions Inter­national in this district. He was a member of the board of freeholders who drafted the Fresno county charter adopted by the voters at an election April 10, 1933.

Mrs. Fairweather was Theodocia V. England, a native daughter of California. They have three children: Mrs. Helen Fairweather-Berk, associated with her father in the publishing of the Reedley Exponent ; John H. Jr., managing editor of the “Collegian” at the Fresno State college; is a student in college of journalism, University of Missouri. James William, now studying in Ohio to be a professional musician.
[Source: Fresno County, California Biographical Sketches of Leading Citizens, 1933]