Saturday, November 2, 2019

Nelson Kavanaugh Owes Land Tax

©  Kathy Duncan, 2019

Nelson Kavanaugh owned the land in Madison County, Kentucky, which he inherited from his father William Kavanaugh, just long enough to owe taxes on it. I wonder if that is what motived him to sell it to his half-brother, Charles? This is from the 1830 Madison County, Kentucky tax book.

Nelson Kavanaugh, A Slave in the Family

Nelson Kavanaugh Gets His Freedom and His Land

Nelson Kavanaugh's Emancipation

Nelson Kavanaugh in the Republic of Texas

Nelson Kavanaugh Loses His Papers


  1. Interesting following this life but so much more I would like to know!

    1. Me, too. This is the last of what I have found so far on Nelson. Why did he go to Hinds Co., MS? Why did he want to stay in Texas? Why not go to Mexico or New Mexico? Maybe the language barrier discouraged him from going to those areas?


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