Saturday, December 26, 2020

Isaac Weaver, 1875

    ©  Kathy Duncan, 2020

Isaac Weaver was the second husband of Mahala, who was the second wife of my ancestor Solomon Reese. She had two or three children with Solomon Reese. After her remarriage to Isaac Weaver, they moved to Missouri, where their last know residence was in Barry County. It appears that the older Reese children, who were her step-children, did not relocate to Missouri. 

Isaac and Mahala Weaver settled first in Carrol County, Arkansas before 1850. Sometime between 1850 and 1860, they removed to Barry County, Missouri settling in the Shoal Creek township. They were still there in 1870. Then they seem to disappear. Their dates of death and burial places are unknown. 

Isaac Weaver makes one significant appearance in the newspaper in 1875, so he died at some point after that.

From this article, we learn that Isaac Weaver was literate. He was in good health despite his lifetime hardships. Additionally, he was a veteran of the War of 1812 and a pensioner. That means that there is an application for him. In addition to his service record, that file might include information about his place of birth, his wives, his children, his residences, his property, and his death. If Mahala survived him, then there will be additional information about her. It will also contain depositions from people who knew him and perhaps served with him. 

The other tidbit is that the original information was published in the Valley Press, which only ran for a few years and for which there do not seem to be any surviving copies. 

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