Saturday, February 27, 2021

Rev. Duncan H Selph Animated

 ©  Kathy Duncan, 2021

Well, this is pure crazy, magic. My Heritage now has a new app called Deep Nostalgia that takes your ancestor's photograph, uses an algorithm for eye and head movement, and animates it. My guess is that it works better on ancestors you never knew, so you don't know how they were in life. At this point, it is fun, but I am not emotionally ready to use it on loved ones I knew. 

Here is a photograph that I received last year of Rev. Duncan Hyder Selph:

And this is the animation: 

You can play with the new My Heritage app here


  1. I see you did go get it! I did try it on a few I did know and the results were blech. I tried several of my husband, who is still alive, and it was even worse. I do enjoy it for the novelty on the further back ancestors.

    1. I did! It was fun to play with, but like you, I tried it on some other ancestors and the results were "blech." This animating of the dead is a little Frankensteinish.


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