Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Capt James S. Piper, 1847 - 1848

      ©  Kathy Duncan, 2024

The beginning of 1847 saw Capt. James S. Piper still leading Company B of the Baltimore Battalion in the Mexican War. On 1 April 1874, the Baltimore Sun published this list of men serving under Piper in Tampico, Mexico. This list is of value since Piper may have provided affidavits for some of these men or may be mentioned in any memoirs they wrote.

By 11 June 1847, Company B was headed back to the States on the brig Columbus. 

This clipping from The Sun on 19 June 1847, seems to be the first time James S. Pipe provided information to a newspaper editor. Throughout his life, he conversed with various editors and had his comments published. This became a pattern of behavior. 

After arriving in New Orleans, Capt. James S. Piper performed the eulogy for Sergeant William H. Hickman of Company F. His words brought some to tears.

It was not until 29 June 1847 that newspapers began reporting that Capt. James S. Piper had been robbed of $200 while in Tampico.

This is the most revealing and heartrending description of the men who returned with Capt. Piper to the U.S. They were sunburnt and emaciated. 

By the end of the year, Capt James S. Piper was offering to prepare the paperwork that his men needed to provide proof of their service so that they could obtain their land warrants or treasury scrip. He was actively trying those who were wounded in battle as well as the widows and orphans of men who had been killed.

It's impossible to know if he was aware of the plight of Mrs. Beacham, the widow of one of his men. An appeal for her was published in November 1846.

In 1848, James S. Piper seems to have made it his mission to assist all veterans of the Mexican War. He also seems to have been earning a little money by advocating for them. Note that he was a resident of Washington DC at this time.

The next post will cover the years 1850 - 1855


  1. Hi Kathy, I was recently reading your Blog from July 2021 when you discuss the wife of William Dendy who died in Halifax County, Virginia in 1757. How can I find the documents you refer to in the Blog? Is there a link on Family Search or Ancestry? I am a descendant of Willliam Dendy (1707 - 1757) who married Mary Cargill ( 1718-1806). Peggy Motes McBride

    1. Hi, Peggy - This document is linked to both William and Elizabeth Dendy on Family Search. That's where I always link documents so that they are easily accessible and free for any one who wants to follow up. It is in Amelia Co., VA Land Deed Bk 4 p. 261 - 262, dated 1752. The deed starts at the top of p 261, but Elizabeth released her dower at the bottom of p. 262. You can find it with the sources for both William and Elizabeth.


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