Monday, July 22, 2024

Lt. Col. James S. Piper, 1858

 ©  Kathy Duncan, 2024

1n 1857 and 1858, the major U.S. military action was in Utah and involved Mormon settlers. It was known variously as the Utah War, Utah Expedition, Mormon War, Mormon Rebellion, and Buchanan's Blunder. 

Like other former Mexican War officers, James S. Piper busied himself with recruiting men for his own regiment.

In case there is any doubt that this was the same James S. Piper, who I've been researching, this clipping from the Alexandria Gazette makes clear that he was the same James S. Piper who was the captain of Co. B in the Baltimore battalion. In this action, he would have begun as a Lt. Colonel rather than a Captain.

To date, I have found no evidence that James S. Piper and his company ever actually participated in the Utah War.

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